
How To Install And Configure Nginx On Your Linux Server

Hello everyone. In this article, I am going to demonstrate you how to install and configure Nginx on your Ubuntu/Linux server.

What is Nginx ?

So simply it is open-source software for web serving. And If you want to know in detail about it go through this link –


To get started with this article you must have a running ubuntu server in aws.



Firstly update your server to receive the latest versions of the packages.

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade


Now install the Nginx package.

sudo apt install nginx


Check the list of the app on the firewall and allow the Nginx through the firewall.

sudo ufw app list
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx Full'


Now check the running status of Nginx and if it is running the move forward to the next step.

sudo systemctl status nginx


That’s all now you have successfully installed Nginx in ubuntu server. To verify paste your server public IP Address in the browser. And it will give show you like this

So by following these 5 simple steps you can easily set up Nginx on your Linux server.

Hope you have liked the article. And if you have any problem, you can ask me in the comment section.


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